Smart Spirulina Systems

Rendering Image by Jimmy Tang

Rendering Image by Jimmy Tang


bio design, javascript, internet of plants, arduino, three.js


Jimmy Tang:



The Smart Spirulina System is part of the Plug-In Ecology framework being developed at Terreform One and will be incorporated into the Urban Farm Pod. The objective of this project is a system design that will show how to grow Spirulina in an urban farm setting. The system design is broken out into two areas:

  1. A grow system for the cultivation of large amounts of Spirulina and a distribution system to allocate to Spirulina Bottles on the surface of the sphere. 
  2. A "digital monitoring platform" that can (a) relay specific information about the growing conditions of the Spirulina directly to a user's smart-phone or desktop and (b) create an Internet of Plants by providing a public and free REST API. 
Diagram made by Jimmy Tang

Diagram made by Jimmy Tang