ofMetAPI Prototype 1.2

 In prototype 1.2 I added more functionality to the add-on that makes it much faster. I built an image loader using the ofThreadedImageLoader function in oF which makes the downloading process much more efficient.

I also incorporated meta-data into the app so now users can access  fields like title, artist, country. So for example you could make a data visualization of all the artists at the Met, or just the art by a particular artist. I can't wait to see what people make! I'm going to go to the next OpenFrameworks meeting to promote it and try and get some of the guys/gals to use it and perhaps include that in my final paper/presentation. 

Example from the add-on loading thumb-nail images with meta-data. 

Example from the add-on loading thumb-nail images with meta-data. 

Example from the add-on which loads large images and meta-data. 

Example from the add-on which loads large images and meta-data.